Friday, 22 January 2016

In whom is life, He only exist always.

We have seen that without foundational concepts and laws matter can't exist.

 E.g. Movement of electrons are essential for the existence of matter. 

So existence of matter is depending on foundational concepts and laws. 

So existence of matter is a relative existence and it is not a permanent existence. 

Living beings are having both matter and life in them. But life in them is not a permanent life.
 So their existence also is a relative existence. 

Then who is having an independent existence? who exist forever unchanging? 

 In whom the life is. He is the source of life. 

He can only have an existence independent and incorruptible. 

He is the God of bible. 
In Him is life, He always exist. 

Body, life and mind

 Foundational concepts  and fundamental  laws are required for the existence of matter and living beings. 

Life is a foundatonal concept. 
It is not originated in our mind. Just like we see an object, we understand the  life which already working in the living. Foundational concept of life is not seen in the non-living. 

Living beings have 3 aspects in their life. 

Physical: matter and the fundamental laws and foundational concepts for the existence of matter. 

Spiritual : foundational concept of life seen only in the living. So it is not related to matter. 

Soulish or mental :it is seen only in the living. It requires both 1)physical 2)spiritual ( life )

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Book of confusion by Bill Gaede

We should know the difference between foundational concepts and fundamental laws in physics and the concepts (ideas) in our mind.
Energy, motion etc are foundational concepts. Foundational concepts and fundamental laws are already there. We find it out. Issac Newton identified gravity which is already present in nature.It is different from concepts ( ideas) conceive in our mind.
 Foundational concepts are as real as an object.For e.g. Movement of electrons; without it matter doesn't exist.
Do not confuse it with concepts or ideas in our mind. Matter can exist without ideas in our mind.

The confusion between foundational concepts and fundamental laws with mental concepts is the basis for the book named God doesn't exist by Bill Gaede. 

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Life is not a physical force.

We know that foetus to adult hood humans grow. All life forms there is a growth period. 
But physical force doesn't grow with time. 
So life is not a physical force. It is not a property of matter. 
Life is a spiritual force because it doesn't originate in physical realm. 

Basic question about our existence.

Who am I?
I am matter with life. 
What is life ?
Without life nobody can think. So life is the cause for concept. It is not conceived in our mind. But life force help us to conceive concepts. So life is not a concept. 
We can say it is a force which all matter doesn't possess but only living things possess. 
Life distinguishes between living and nonliving. 
Then where is the origin of life?
It is not from matter because all matter doesn't possess life. 
Living possess life force from it's origin till it's death. 
We can say life force is possed by living things for a life time. After that this force or energy leaves him,then he is dead. 

This life force is not seen in nonliving matter. So it is not from matter. 
So where from this life force comes?
This is the basic question about existence. 

Friday, 15 January 2016

Concept and object division is a semantic deception

Some people divide everything into object and concept. 
They don't know the difference between auditory hallucinations and real sound. They consider both as concept. 

Poor fellows live in a world of grandiose hallucinations thinking they can define and defile everything by their corrupted brain. 

In no time

"One of the methods Einstein used to help formulate his theory of special relativity was to visualize what the universe would look like from the perspective of a photon. Einstein saw that life as a photon would be quite bizarre. For instance, if you were a photon, time would have no meaning to you. Everything would appear to happen instantaneously.

Spark of PhotonsImagine for a moment that you are a happy little photon created by a star in another galaxy some 4 billion light years away. From my perspective here on Earth, it took you exactly 4 billion years to travel from that star till you reached my retina. From your perspective, one instant you were created and then the next, you are are bouncing off or being absorbed by my eyeball."

Photons doesn't have a particular location. 

No particular location for light.

Photons travel at the speed of light.  "common misconception is thinking the speed of light is just like any other finite speed. The speed of light is only finite from the perspective of the outside observer; from the perspective of a photon, it’s infinite. If you move at exactly the speed of light you could go anywhere, no matter how far, in exactly zero seconds"
At speed of light photons can't have a fixed location at the same time. 

What exist?

What exist?
Already particle physicist proved that everything in this material world is relative. 
Matter doesn't have an independent existence. Depending on time ,speed and charge(+or_ve), mass ,shape and location of matter will change.

 Mass is the amount of matter in a substance. It can be turned into energy(particles with zero mass). eg.electrons and positrons collide they annihilate each other and photons with zero mass will be produced. 

Matter and energy exist but that is a relative existence meaning it can be turned from one form to another by an external agency. 

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

formless ,emptiness,darkness - on this God made the universe.

"The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep."Genesis 1:2

Mysterious world can't be fully described by words.

Veteran CPI leader told me about the fall of communism in Russia and commented "man is mysterious. Nobody can understand man fully"
We live in a mysterious world. 
When we know more about this world we will be more humble. 

World of elementary particles without shape.

World is formed of elementary particles which exist without mass or changing

Eg. Photons(no mass)

Neutrino(very small mass). They can go through solids like earth travel less than the speed of light with changing mass so without a shape. 

Electron and positron when collides,they annihilate each other converting all their mass into energy.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Mass is potential energy and part of matter. So not a concept.

In fusion reaction many atoms of hydrogen collide,energy is released. and is converted to helium. 
Mass is potential energy. if an object loses it,it can't remain as it is. 
So energy (potential energy or mass) is not a concept,it is part of matter.

Form and shape

Form of sculpture formed of bronze is the  bronze metal. 
Shape of that sculpture is the outline of that sculpture.  

rope hypothesis is deception.

Author of the book God doesn't exist wrote that book for the layman to convince them that ,Relativity is nonsense. But that author doesn't know that physics is not for layman but for scholars. Then why he wrote that book?
To deceive the layman and sell his book. 

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Thing and nothing : meaning

1)an object whose name you do not use because you do not need to or want to,or because you do not know it. 
2) an object that is not alive in the way people are. 
A and non-A law can't apply here.  
Nothing is imaginary. even through the empty space electromagnetic waves can pass through. 

Friday, 8 January 2016

Form, shape and God.

When you see the light you won't think about the shape of light. 
Shape is the outline or external surface. 
What about form?  It is internal. When form changes shape also can change. 

In the case of light:
It exists in wave and particle form at the same time without a particular shape. In the speed of light,light can exist in two forms because it is not in our time realm. 
When a physical object in our time frame,at same time can exist as one form only,because to change form and shape takes time in our time frame. 
But in the speed of light is another time frame light can exist as particle and wave at the same time. 
God exist in spiritual form without a particular shape we can understand. But he can take the physical form and shape,in our time frame. That is the incarnation of Christ. 

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Existence depend on the realm and nature.

Existence don't depend on shape and location. But depend on the nature and realm of the subject. 

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Shape ,location are not the criteria.

Take out the air from a steel globe. Inside the globe nothing is there. 
Location of "nothing "is inside the globe. 
Shape of "nothing "is the shape of globe. 
Here we see nothing also can have shape and location. 

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Choice of having

If someone says exist means having shape and location ,
It clearly shows the subject has got a choice to have or not to have a shape and location depending on the ability of the subject. 

Matter ,Man and GOD

Man run with 2 legs
Dog run with 4 legs
Both are running but difference in running. 
Existence of Matter -physical only.
Man's existence -physical and personal. 
 Existence of God -spiritual and personal. 

Man's existence and God's existence

Man's existence-with shape and location 
God's existence-without shape and location. 
Man's existence-physical 
God's existence-spiritual 

Nonsense blogger's nonsense

Exist is verb without an object. So first we should understand the subject or who exist. 
What a subject does depend on the subject. 
For ie. 
Dog run 
Man run
Same action different for different subjects. 
So meaning for exist is different for different subjects. 
First understand the subject then only you will understand what he does. Without knowing the subject if you define the action and classify subject according to action you will end in utter foolishness. Nonsense bloggers are doing this nonsense. 
So first you understand who exist.  Then define his existence.  
If somebody think his existence and dog's existence are not different ...woe to him. 

Monday, 4 January 2016

Exist as verb and noun

Run can be distinguished from sit or stand. How do you distinguish from exist and other activities?

If it is merely a verb like run how can I distinguish between exist and other verbs showing activities 
For ie. What is the difference between run and exist?you can show you run. Then show how you exist? Tell the difference between exist and sit? 
And I say I exist I mean sit stand run and all activities. 
Then why should I say I exist?better term will be ( Sit,Stand,Run......). That will be more meaningful. 
Answer:I say I exist because it is related to a term called existence. Exist as verb always related to the noun existence. 
What is existence? It is about our being. 
Same as I am. 
First is I am or my being. 
Then comes the verb exist. 
If don't define my being or who I am,I can't define exist.  

Sunday, 3 January 2016

The word exist will be valid only in relation with God.

If I write the statement "I exist " and keep it for 100 years,what will be the value of that statement after 100 years. 
That statement will be invalid or it will become a lie after 100 years. 
So that statement has no permanent value. 
If God says about himself I exist,that statement is valid for all times. 
So the word exist can be used only in relation with God. Otherwise it is invalid. 

Charlatans without mentioning the name of God, use the term exist to deceive others and try to sell their hidden agenda. 

Who is Always I Am?

When I say I exist I mean "I am"
But I talk about mysel, "I am" can't be used always.  
I have to say 
I"I was" for the past
"I will" be for the future. 
This is because I had a beginning and I will have an end. 
This means my existence related to time. 

If someone can say I Am always,his existence is an independent existence not related with time.
 Existence of everything and everyonelse depend on his existence. (Existence of all living and non-living depend on Him.)

His existence is the real existence. He is the person who exist. 

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Only an infinite person can exist.

All human beings are brought into existence by their parents. By their own will they can't come to existence.
 An infinite person is the only person who doesn't require other persons for his existence or have a real being.
 We have already seen that exist in its core meaning. It can be used only for someone who doesn't change by outside factors like time and location. 

So we can't say things really exist because it is changed by outside factors.
We can say that human as a person exist in a limited way because he is not fully controlled by outside factors. But the matter in human being can be controlled  and changed by outside factors. 

So we see that Only person can exist or have a real being. 

Matter can't really exist because matter is not a person and it doesn't have an independent existence. 

Man's existence is a limited existence
 because he is a limited or finite person. 
Only an infinite person who is not controlled and limited by outside factors can really exist or have a real being. 

We can surely say God as a person exist.

 Because He is not made up of matter and His existence is not dependent on outside factors. 
God's existence is an independent existence because He is unlimited and infinite person. 

So God is the true or real person who exist. 

Human and God as person.

Who is a person?
The term "someone"is used for humans not for matter or animals. 
Humans are made up of matter. But we don't call them it,because they are not only matter.  

Human as a person. 

Human Person is not a concept. But can coneive concepts. 
Human person is made up of matter. But he is not matter alone. 
Human person can make choices in a limited way. 
Changed by outside factors like time and space. 

God as person 

Not made up of matter. But he made matter. 
Not limited by space and time. 
Not changed by outside factors like space and time. 

By knowing this we can say humans are finite persons limited by time and space. 
But God is an infinite person not limited by time and space. 
The term person  who exist in its core meaning can be used only for God. Because he is the infinite person who exist.
Humans depend upon Him for existence and reflect his personhood in a limited way. 

Friday, 1 January 2016

Difference between person and a thing

Some people can't distinguish between person and an impersonal thing. They call  their father it (because they think their father is matter). Ignorance and arrogance will lead them to foolishness. 

He who exist is God.

God is not a thing not a concept. 

One individual (human being) is not a concept not a thing.human being is a person. Human person can be male or female. But both are in the category of person. 

Human person is made up of matter. 
But human person can think , have a free will and can make choices. . He Can't  be fully controlled by external factors. So he is not matter alone. 

No free will 
Controlled by external forces
Change with time

Human person
Made up of matter
Has free will
Not controlled fully by external forces
Change with time. 

God as a person
Exist Exist -always present(same yesterday,today and tomorrow).  
(Not change with time.)
Not controlled by outside forces
Not made up of matter
God made matter. 

Exist-about having an independent existence.

Exist in its core meaning is about something or someone having an independent existence,so not change with time. 

When we say objects exist,we have to always mention the time period during which it exists.
 Existence of objects related with time. 
Suppose a table (a)exist today. Somebody comes and reshape it to a chair(a).  If we go to see the table (a)tomorrow,in the same location table (a) will not be there. only a chair (a) is there. 

we say table (a)exist
Chair(a) doesn't exist
We will say table(a) doesn't exist
Chair (a) exist
What we understand from this?
Existence of objects related to time. 
So existence of objects are not an independent existence 
So we can say objects are present in a particular time period. 

When we say someone or something exist they shouldn't depend on anything else for their existence.
 If they are changed by time or any other external factor, we can't say they really exist.