Thursday, 7 January 2016

Existence depend on the realm and nature.

Existence don't depend on shape and location. But depend on the nature and realm of the subject. 


  1. So are indeed a down.
    Even if you don't know what is exist nor realm, you know 'subject's' existence depends on nature and realm!
    A subject has to exist before it can depend on nature and realm yo continue it's life.
    But thank you for letting us know that you suffer from Down's syndrome.

  2. Again equivocation fallacy.
    "Existence don't depend on shape and location"
    Existence doesn't depend, existence IS having physical presence which MEANS having a shape and location.

  3. Exist = Physical presence = Shape and location
    Or Exist means physical presence which means shape and location.
    eg: When you say god exists, It means god has physical presence which means god has shape and location.
    All else is irrelevant.

  4. That is if you say god exists, it means god is an object, a thing NOT nothing. It means god is separate from surrounding nothingness by virtue of his shape, he has a boundary that prevent fom being nothing. Of course being a down you may not understand this.

  5. Take a white paper, can you see a circle?
    Now draw a circle, first with the same color as the paper and then with someother color. In the first case again you will not be able to see the circle because it merge with the surrounding white, while in latter case you can because it has a shape, a boundary to separate it from surrounding white. In 3D most of the time, the surrounding is nothingness and sometimes other things.

  6. Exist=physical presence =shape and location. ?
    Shape is the outline or external surface.
    What about form?

  7. What is the shape of light?where is it's out line?

    1. Shape of light can only be inferred, we can only be sure that it has shape depending on what 'light' you are talking about. I presume you never read what I write for it destroys your religion. The same question you had asked me before and I have answered.
