Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Nonsense blogger's nonsense

Exist is verb without an object. So first we should understand the subject or who exist. 
What a subject does depend on the subject. 
For ie. 
Dog run 
Man run
Same action different for different subjects. 
So meaning for exist is different for different subjects. 
First understand the subject then only you will understand what he does. Without knowing the subject if you define the action and classify subject according to action you will end in utter foolishness. Nonsense bloggers are doing this nonsense. 
So first you understand who exist.  Then define his existence.  
If somebody think his existence and dog's existence are not different ...woe to him. 


  1. First define exist you dog, er human, I can't find the difference between your intelligence.
    You are again using the fallacy of equivocation.

  2. "What a subject does depend on the subject.
    For ie.
    Dog run
    Man run"
    So when a dog run, it is actually sitting and when a nan runs he is actually flying?
    "Same action different for different subjects."
    Are you a moron, how can 'same' action be 'different'? The action is the same fellow, moving with legs.
    "Exist is verb without an object."
    That is synonym of 'live' fella, exist having physical presence is not a verb. Well an idiot like you who say same is different, what more to expect. At least know that a 'verb' denotes action.

  3. dog exist
    man exist
    They both exist fella, both have shape and location. Only in your case a dog has the same shape and intelligence.
    Read once more and see whether you can comprehend, exist only require a shape not any particular shape, a shape to differentiate itself from the surrounding. Have you seen gravel in a bottle, can you see individual gravel, that is because each has shape. It each lacked shape that will be one solid block - rock.

  4. "If somebody think his existence and dog's existence are not different ...woe to him"
    I don't see any difference between your existence and a dog's. A dog licks its master's feet, you lick your master's, priests, feet.
