Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Shape ,location are not the criteria.

Take out the air from a steel globe. Inside the globe nothing is there. 
Location of "nothing "is inside the globe. 
Shape of "nothing "is the shape of globe. 
Here we see nothing also can have shape and location. 


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  4. It is the shape of the thing, globe, idiot, as you yourself say. There is no thing there to have a shape. There is nothing to have a surface a boundary. When you put water inside, the shape of water is made by water surface, there is nothing to form the 'surface'.Can you take that nothing from there and keep it outside?
    Can you never think? Or you don't know what 'shape' is?.
    And where is the location? Don't you even know what location means?
    Location is denoted by coordinates, not inside and outside.
    Why you still haven't defined exist?
    In which container you have kept your 'nothing' god?
    Well peabrain, do you know how to define 'nothing'?
    Another post that 'proves' your lack of intelligence.

  5. But if you are suffering from Down's syndrome please say so.
    If you write more nonsense like this it will be self evident, then I won't be commenting. After all we should sympathy to someone like you who suffers!

  6. And here you are treating 'nothing' as an object to which you can point to, reification fallacy.
